This list is not absolutely comprehensive. It nods to Mr. Berry's support of small presses by listing some (mostly) hard-to-find, out-of-print works, but the aim is to present the bulk of Mr. Berry's writing that may be more widely available through libraries and bookstores. Individual titles within works are contained within brackets.
Another Turn of the Crank. Washington, D. C.: Counterpoint, 1996.
[Farming and the Global Economy, Conserving Communities, Conserving Forest Communities, Private Property and the Common Wealth, The Conservation of Nature and the Preservation of Humanity, Health Is Membership]
The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry. Ed. Norman Wirzba. Washington, D. C.: Counterpoint, 2002.
[A Native Hill; The Unsettling of America; Racism and the Economy; Feminism, the Body, and the Machine; Think Little; The Body and the Earth; Men and Women in Search of Common Ground; Health Is Membership; Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community; People, Land, and Community; Conservation and Local Economy; Economy and Pleasure; Two Economies; The Whole Horse; The Idea of a Local Economy; A Big Bad Idea; Solving for Pattern; The Use of Energy; The Gift of Good Land; Christianity and the Survival of Creation; The Pleasures of Eating]
The Art of Loading Brush: New Agrarian Writings. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2017.
[Introduction; The Thought of Limits in a Prodigal Age; Leaving the Future Behind: A Letter to a Scientific Friend; The Presence of Nature in the Natural World: A Long Conversation; The Order of Loving Care; A Long Ancestry; The Branch Way of Doing; The Art of Loading Brush; Epilogue: What Passes, What Remains (from Sabbaths 2016 - VIII)] See also Fiction and Poetry.
Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Christ's Teachings about Love, Compassion & Forgiveness. Washington, D. C.: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2005.
[Introduction; The Burden of the Gospels]
Bringing It to the Table: On Farming and Food. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2009.
[Nature as Measure; Stupidity in Concentration; Agricultural Solutions for Agricultural Problems; A Defense of the Family Farm; Let the Farm Judge; Energy in Agriculture; Conservationist and Agrarian; Sanitation and the Small Farm; Renewing Husbandry; Seven Amish Farms; A Good Farmer of the Old School; Charlie Fisher; A Talent for Necessity; Elmer Lapp's Place; On The Soil and Health; Agriculture from the Roots Up; From That Distant Land; From Hannah Coulter; From Andy Catlett; From "Misery"; From The Memory of Old Jack; From Jayber Crow; From Hannah Coulter; The Pleasures of Eating
Citizenship Papers. Washington, D. C.: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2003.
[A Citizen's Response; Thoughts in the Presence of Fear; The Failure of War; Going to Work; In Distrust of Movements; Twelve Paragraphs on Biotechnology; Let the Farm Judge; The Total Economy, A Long Job, Too Late to Quit; Two Minds; The Prejudice Against Country People; The Whole Horse; Stupidity in Concentration; Watershed and Commonwealth; The Agrarian Standard; Still Standing; Conservationist and Agrarian; Tuscany; Is Life a Miracle?]
A Continuous Harmony: Essays Cultural & Agricultural. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1972 (Shoemaker & Hoard, 2004).
[A Secular Pilgrimage, Notes from an Absence and a Return, A Homage to Dr. Williams, The Regional Motive, Think Little, Discipline and Hope, In Defense of Literacy, Mayhem in the Industrial Paradise]
Distant Neighbors: The Selected Letters of Wendell Berry and Gary Snyder. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2014.
The Gift of Good Land: Further Essays Cultural and Agricultural. San Francisco: North Point, 1981 (Counterpoint, 2009).
[An Agricultural Journey in Peru, Three Ways of Farming in the Southwest, The Native Grasses and What They Mean, The International Hill Land Symposium, Sanitation and the Small Farm, Horse-Drawn Tools and the Doctrine of Labor Saving, Agricultrual Solutions for Agricultural Problems, Energy in Agriculture, Solving for Pattern, The Economics of Subsistence, Family Work, The Reactor and the Garden, A Good Scythe, Looking Ahead, Home of the Free, Going Back - or Ahead - to Horses, A Few Words for Motherhood, A Rescued Farm, An Excellent Homestead, Elmer Lapp's Place, A Talent for Necessity, New Roots for Agricultural Research, Seven Amish Farms, The Gift of Good Land]
Harlan Hubbard: Life and Work. Lexington, Kentucky: U P of Kentucky, 1990.
The Hidden Wound. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970.
Home Economics: Fourteen Essays. San Francisco: North Point, 1987 (Counterpoint, 2009).
[Letter to Wes Jackson; Getting Along with Nature; Irish Journal; Higher Education and Home Defense; Two Economies; The Loss of the University; Property, Patriotism, and National Defense; Men and Women in Search of Common Ground; Six Agricultural Fallacies; A Nation Rich in Natural Resources; Preserving Wildness; A Good Farmer of the Old School; A Defense of the Family Farm; Does Community Have a Value?]
Imagination in Place. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2010.
[Imagination in Place; American Imagination and the Civil War; The Momentum of Clarity; In Memory: Wallace Stegner 1909-1993; Speech After Long Silence; My Friend Hayden; In Memory: James Still; A Master Language; My Conversation with Gurney Norman; Sweetness Preserved; Some Interim Thoughts about Gary Snyder's Mountains and Rivers Without End; In Memory: James Baker Hall; Against the Nihil of the Age; The Uses of Adversity; God, Science, and Imagination]
In the Presence of Fear: Three Essays for a Changed World. Barrington, MA: Orion, 2001.
[Thoughts in the Presence of Fear, The Idea of a Local Economy, In Distrust of Movements]
It All Turns on Affection: The Jefferson Lecture and Other Essays. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2012.
[It All Turns on Affection; Landsman: Jim Leach in Conversation with Wendell Berry and Tanya Berry; Starting from Loss; The Future of Agriculture; A Man of Courage Constant to the End; About Civil Disobedience; Maury Telleen, 1928-2001]
Life Is a Miracle. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 2000.
The Long-Legged House. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1969 (Shoemaker & Hoard, 2004).
[The Tyranny of Charity, The Landscaping of Hell, Strip-Mine Morality in East Kentucky (postscript, July 1968: A Land Set Aside), The Nature Consumers, The Loss of the Future, A Statement against the War in Vietnam, Some Thoughts on Citizenship and Conscience in Honor of Dan Pratt, The Rise, The Long-Legged House, A Native Hill]
The Need to Be Whole: Patriotism and the History of Prejudice. Shoemaker & Company, 2022.
Our Only World: Ten Essays. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2015.
[Paragraphs from a Notebook; The Commerce of Violence; A Forest Conversation; Local Economies to Save the Land and the People; Less Energy, More Life; Caught in the Middle; On Receiving One of the Dayton Literary Peace Prizes; Our Deserted Country; For the 50-Year Farm Bill; On Being Asked for "A Narrative for the Future"]
The Poetry of William Carlos Williams of Rutherford. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2011.
Recollected Essays, 1965-1980. San Francisco: North Point, 1981.
[The Rise, The Long-Legged House, A Native Hill, Nick and Aunt Georgie, Discipline and Hope, A Country of Edges, An Entrance to the Woods, The Unforeseen Wilderness, The Journey's End, The Body and the Earth, The Making of a Marginal Farm]
The Rise. Lexington, Kentucky: Grave, 1968.
Sex, Economy, Freedom & Community. New York: Pantheon, 1992.
[The Joy of Sales Resistance; Conservation and Local Economy; Out of Your Car, Off Your Horse; Conservation is Good Work; A Bad Big Idea; The Problem of Tobacco; Peaceableness Toward Enemies; Christianity and the Survival of Creation; Sex, Economy, Freedom, and Community]
Standing by Words. San Francisco: North Point, 1983 (Shoemaker & Hoard, 2005).
[The Specialization of Poetry; Standing by Words; People, Land, and Community; Notes: Unspecializing Poetry; Poetry and Place; Poetry and Marriage]
Standing on Earth: Selected Essays. Ipswich, UK: Golgonooza Press, 1991.
[The Use of Energy; The Body and the Earth; Horse-Drawn Tools & the Doctrine of Labor Saving; Agricultural Solutions for Agricultural Problems; The Gift of Good Land; Standing by Words; Notes: Unspecializing Poetry; Poetry and Marriage:The Use of Old Forms; Letter to Wes Jackson; Two Economies; The Loss of the University; Men & Women in Search of Common Ground; Preserving Wildness]
Tobacco Harvest: An Elegy. Photographs by James Baker Hall. Lexington, Kentucky: U P of Kentucky, 2004.
The Unforeseen Wilderness: Kentucky's Red River Gorge. Photographs by Ralph Eugene Meatyard. U P Kentucky, 1971. Revised North Point, 1991. Reissued and revised Shoemaker & Hoard, 2006.
The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture. San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1977; Avon Books, 1978; Sierra Club, 1986.
[The Unsettling of America; The Ecological Crisis as a Crisis of Character; The Ecological Crisis as a Crisis of Culture; The Agricultural Crisis as a Crisis of Culture; Living in the Future: The "Modern" Industrial Ideal; The Use of Energy; The Body and the Earth; Jefferson, Morrill, and the Upper Crust; Margins]
The Way of Ignorance and Other Essays. Washington, D. C.: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2005.
[Secrecy vs. Rights; Contempt for Small Places; Rugged Individualism; We Have Begun; Some Notes for the Kerry Campaign, If Wanted; Compromise, Hell!; Charlie Fisher; Imagination in Place; The Way of Ignorance; The Purpose of a Coherent Community; Quantity vs. Form; Renewing Husbandry; Agriculture from the Roots Up; Local Knowledge in the Age of Information; The Burden of the Gospels; Letter to Daniel Kemmis; Daniel Kemmis Replies; The Working Wilderness: A Call for a Land Health Movement, by Courtney White]
Wendell Berry: Essays 1969-1990. New York: Library of America, 2019.
[The Rise, The Long-Legged House, A Native Hill, Chapters 4 through 8 from The Hidden Wound, Think Little, Discipline and Hope, In Defense of Literacy, The Making of a Marginal Farm, The Unsettling of America, Horse-Drawn Tools and the Doctrine of Labor Saving, Solving for Pattern, Family Work, A Few Words for Motherhood, A Talent for Necessity, Seven Amish Farms, The Gift of Good Land, Standing by Words, Poetry and Marriage: The Use of Old Forms, Getting Along with Nature, Two Economies, The Loss of the University, Preserving Wildness, A Good Farmer of the Old School, Damage, Wallace Stegner and the Great Community, Writer and Region, An Argument for Diversity, The Pleasures of Eating, The Work of Local Culture, Why I Am Not Going to Buy a Computer; Feminism, the Body, and the Machine; Word and Flesh, Nature as Measure]
Wendell Berry: Essays 1993-2017. New York: Library of America, 2019.
[Conservation and Local Economy, Conservation Is Good Work, Christianity and the Survival of Creation; Sex, Economy, Freedom, and Community; Farming and the Global Economy, Conserving Forest Communities, Health Is Membership, Life Is A Miracle: An Essay Against Modern Superstition, A Citizen’s Response, Thoughts in the Presence of Fear, The Failure of War, In Distrust of Movements, The Total Economy, Two Minds, The Whole Horse, The Agrarian Standard, Conservationist and Agrarian, Secrecy vs. Rights, Contempt for Small Places; Compromise, Hell!; Charlie Fisher, The Way of Ignorance, Quantity vs. Form, Renewing Husbandry, The Burden of the Gospels, Money Versus Goods, Faustian Economics, Imagination in Place, American Imagination and the Civil War, Sweetness Preserved, The Uses of Adversity; God, Science, and Imagination; It All Turns on Affection, About Civil Disobedience, Paragraphs from a Notebook, The Commerce of Violence, A Forest Conversation, Local Economies to Save the Land and the People, Caught in the Middle, Our Deserted Country, On Being Asked for “A Narrative for the Future”, The Thought of Limits in a Prodigal Age, The Presence of Nature in the Natural World: A Long Conversation]
What Are People For? New York: North Point, 1990.
[Damage; Healing; A Remarkable Man; Harry Caudill in the Cumberlands; A Few Words in Favor of Edward Abbey; Wallace Stegner and the Great Community; A Poem of Difficult Hope; Style and Grace; Writer and Region; The Responsibility of the Poet; God and Country; A Practical Harmony; An Argument for Diversity; What Are People For?; Waste; Economy and Pleasure; The Pleasures of Eating; The Work of Local Culture; Why I Am Not Going To Buy a Computer; Feminism, the Body, and the Machine; Word and Flesh; Nature As Measure]
What Matters? Economics for a Renewed Commonwealth. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2010.
[Money Versus Goods; Major in Homecoming; The Love of Farming; Faustian Economics; Simple Solutions, Package Deals, and a 50-Year Farm Bill; A Nation Rich in Natural Resources; An Argument for Diversity; Economy and Pleasure; What Are People For?; A Practical Harmony; Two Economies; The Work of Local Culture; Waste; Conserving Forest Communities; The Total Economy]
The World-Ending Fire: The Essential Wendell Berry. Selected by Paul Kingsnorth. UK: Allen Lane/Penguin, 2017.
[A Native Hill; The Making of a Marginal Farm; Think Little; Nature as Measure; The Total Economy; Writer and Region; Damage; The Work of Local Culture; The Unsettling of America; The Agrarian Standard; The Pleasures of Eating; Horse-Drawn Tools and the Doctrine of Labor Saving; Getting Along with Nature; A Few Words for Motherhood; Two Minds; The Prejudice against Country People; Faustian Economics; Quantity versus Form; Word and Flesh; Why I am Not Going to Buy a Computer; Feminism, the Body, and the Machine; Family Work; Rugged Individualism; Economy and Pleasure; In Distrust of Movements; In Defense of Literacy; Some Thoughts on Citizenship and Conscience in Honor of Don Pratt; Compromise, Hell!; The Way of Ignorance; The Future of Agriculture; The Rise]
A Consent. Monterey, Kentucky: Larkspur, 1993.
A Place in Time: Twenty Stories of the Port William Membership. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2012.
[The Girl in the Window; Fly Away, Breath; Down in the Valley Where the Green Grass Grows; Burley Coulter's Fortunate Fall; A Burden; A Desirable Woman; Misery; Andy Catlett: Early Education; Drouth; Stand By Me; Not a Tear; The Dark Country; A New Day; Mike; Who Dreamt This Dream?; The Requirement; An Empty Jacket; At Home; Sold; A Place in Time]
Andy Catlett: Early Travels.Washington, D. C.: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2006.
The Art of Loading Brush: New Agrarian Writings. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2017.
[Introduction; The Thought of Limits in a Prodigal Age; Leaving the Future Behind: A Letter to a Scientific Friend; The Presence of Nature in the Natural World: A Long Conversation; The Order of Loving Care; A Long Ancestry; The Branch Way of Doing; The Art of Loading Brush; Epilogue: What Passes, What Remains (from Sabbaths 2016 - VIII)] See also Non-Fiction and Poetry.
The Discovery of Kentucky. Frankfort, Kentucky: Gnomon, 1991.
That Distant Land: The Collected Stories. Washington, D. C.: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2004.
[The Hurt Man, Don't Send a Boy to Do a Man's Work, A Consent, Pray Without Ceasing, Watch With Me, A Half-Pint of Old Darling, The Lost Bet, Thicker than Liquor, Nearly to the Fair, The Solemn Boy, A Jonquil for Mary Penn, Turn Back the Bed, Making It Home, Where Did They Go?, The Discovery of Kentucky, It Wasn't Me, The Boundary, That Distant Land, A Friend of Mine, The Wild Birds, Are You Alright?, Fidelity, The Inheritors]
Fidelity. New York: Pantheon, 1992.
[Pray without Ceasing, A Jonquil for Mary Penn, Making It Home, Fidelity, Are You All Right?]
The Great Interruption: The Story of a Famous Story of Old Port William and How It Ceased to be Told (1935-1978). Monterey, Kentucky: Larkspur, 2019.
Hannah Coulter. Washington, D.C.: Shoemaker & Hoard. 2004.
How It Went: Thirteen More Stories of the Port William Membership. Counterpoint, 2022.
[The Divide (V-J Day), A Conversation (1943-2013), A Clearing (1945-2014), One Nearly Perfect Day (1946), Time Out of Time (1947-2015), One of Us (1950), Dismemberment (1974-2008), The Great Interruption... (1935-1978), How It Went (1979-1994-2002), The Branch Way of Doing (1932-2004), The Art of Loading Brush (2015), A Time and Times and the Dividing of Time (1944-2019), A Rainbow (1945-1975-2021) ]
Jayber Crow. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 2000.
The Memory of Old Jack. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich 1974. (revised Counterpoint 2001).
Nathan Coulter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960 (revised North Point, 1985).
A Place on Earth. Boston: Harcourt, Brace, 1967 (revised North Point,1983; Counterpoint, 2001).
Remembering. San Francisco: North Point, 1988.
Sonata at Payne Hollow. Monterey, Kentucky: Larkspur, 2001.
Three Short Novels (Nathan Coulter, Remembering, A World Lost). Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 2002.
Two More Stories of the Port William Membership. Frankfort, Kentucky: Gnomon, 1997.
[A Friend of Mine, The Inheritors]
Watch With Me and Six Other Stories of the Yet-Remembered Ptolemy Proudfoot and His Wife, Miss Minnie, Née Quinch. New York: Pantheon, 1994.
[A Consent, A Half-Pint of Old Darling, The Lost Bet, Nearly to the Fair, The Solemn Boy, Turn Back the Bed, Watch with Me]
Wendell Berry: Port William Novels & Stories, The Civil War to World War II. Ed. Jack Shoemaker. New York: Library of America, 2018.
[The Girl in the Window (1864); The Hurt Man (1888); Fly Away, Breath (1907); A Consent (1908); Pray Without Ceasing (1912); Watch With Me (1916); A Half Pint of Old Darling (1920); The Lost Bet (1929); Nathan Coulter (1929-1941); Down in the Valley Where the Green Grass Grows (1930); Thicker than Liquor (1930); Nearly to the Fair (1932); Burley Coulter’s Fortunate Fall (1934); The Solemn Boy (1934); A Jonquil for Mary Penn (1940); Turn Back the Bed (1941); A Burden (1882, 1907, 1941); A Desirable Woman (1938-1941); Misery (1943); Andy Catlett: Early Education (1943); Andy Catlett: Early Travels (1943); Drouth (1944); Stand by Me (1921-1944); A World Lost (1944); A Place on Earth (1945); Making It Home (1945); Not a Tear (1945)]
Whitefoot: A Story from the Center of the World. Berkeley: Counterpoint. 2009.
The Wild Birds: Six Stories of the Port William Membership. San Francisco: North Point , 1986.
[Thicker Than Liquor, Where Did They Go?, It Wasn't Me, The Boundary, That Distant Land, The Wild Birds]
A World Lost. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 1996.
Another Day: Sabbath Poems, 2013-2023. Los Angeles: Counterpoint, 2024.
The Art of Loading Brush: New Agrarian Writings. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2017.
[Introduction; The Thought of Limits in a Prodigal Age; Leaving the Future Behind: A Letter to a Scientific Friend; The Presence of Nature in the Natural World: A Long Conversation; The Order of Loving Care; A Long Ancestry; The Branch Way of Doing; The Art of Loading Brush; Epilogue: What Passes, What Remains (from Sabbaths 2016 - VIII)] See also Fiction and Non-Fiction.
The Broken Ground. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1964.
Clearing. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1977.
The Collected Poems, 1957-1982. San Francisco: North Point, 1984.
[THE BROKEN GROUND (1964): Elegy, Observance, Boone, Green and White, A Man Walking and Singing, The Companions, The Aristocracy, The Bird Killer, An Architecture, Canticle, Sparrow, A Music, To Go By Singing, The Wild, May Song, The Fear of Darkness, The Plan, The Guest, The Thief, The Broken Ground. FINDINGS (1969): The Design of a House, The Handing Down, Three Elegiac Poems. OPENINGS (1968): The Thought of Something Else; My Great-Grandfather's Slaves; October 10; The Snake; The Cold; To My Children, Fearing for Them; The Winter Rain; March Snow; April Woods: Morning; The Finches; The Porch over the River; Before Dark; The Dream; The Sycamore; The Meadow; Against the War in Vietnam; Dark with Power; In Memory: Stuart Egnal; The Want of Peace; The Peace of Wild Things; Grace; To Think of the Life of a Man; Marriage; Do Not Be Ashamed; Window Poems; To a Siberian Woodsman; A Discipline; A Poem of Thanks; Envoy. FARMING: A HANDBOOK (1970): The Man Born to Farming, The Stones, The Supplanting, Sowing, The Familiar, The Farmer among the Tombs, For the Rebuilding of a House, The Springs, Rain, Sleep, To Know the Dark, Winter Poem for Mary, Winter Nightfall; February 2, 1968; March 22, 1968; The Morning's News, Enriching the Earth, A Wet Time, The Silence, In This World, The New Roof, A Praise, On the Hill Late at Night, The Seeds, The Wish to Be Generous, Air and Fire, The Lilies, Independence Day, A Standing Ground, Song in the Year of Catastrophe, The Current, The Mad Farmer Revolution, The Contrariness of the Mad Farmer, The Farmer and the Sea, Earth and Fire, The Mad Farmer in the City, The Birth, Awake at Night, Prayers and Sayings of the Mad Farmer, The Satisfactions of the Mad Farmer, Meditation in the Spring Rain, The Grandmother, The Heron; September 2, 1969; The Farmer, Speaking of Monuments; The Sorrel Filly, To the Unseeable Animal. THE COUNTRY OF MARRIAGE (1973): The Old Elm Tree by the River, Poem, Breaking, The Country of Marriage, Prayer after Eating, Her First Calf, Kentucky River Junction, Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front; A Marriage, an Elegy; The Arrival, A Song Sparrow Singing in the Fall, The Mad Farmer Manifesto: The First Amendment, Planting Trees, The Wild Geese, The Silence, Anger against Beasts, At a Country Funeral, The Recognition, Planting Crocuses, Praise, The Gathering, A Homecoming, The Mad Farmer's Love Song, Testament, The Clear Days, Song, Poem for J., The Long Hunter, An Anniversary. CLEARING (1977): History, Where, The Clearing, Work Song, From the Crest. A PART (1980): Stay Home, To Gary Snyder, For the Hog Killing, Goods, The Adze, The Cold Pane, Falling Asleep, A Purification, A Dance, The Fear of Love, Seventeen Years, To What Listens, Woods, The Lillies, Forty Years, A Meeting, Another Descent, Below, The Star, The Hidden Singer, The Necessity of Faith, To the Holy Spirit, Ripening, The Way of Pain, We Who Prayed and Wept, Grief, Fall, An Autumn Burning, A Warning to My Readers, Creation Myth, The First, Walking on the River Ice, Throwing Away the Mail, Except, For the Future, Traveling at Home; July, 1773; The Slip, Horses. THE WHEEL (1982): Requiem, Elegy, Rising, Desolation, The Strait, The Law that Marries All Things, Setting Out, Song (1), From the Distance, Letter, Returning, To Tanya at Christmas, Song (2), The River Bridged and Forgot, The Gift of Gravity, Song (3), The Wheel, The Dance, Passing the Strait; Our Children, Coming of Age; Song (4), In Rain]
The Country of Marriage. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1973.
An Eastward Look. Berkeley, California: Sand Dollar, 1974.
Entries. New York: Pantheon, 1994 (reprint Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 1997).
The Farm. Monterey, Kentucky: Larkspur, 1995.
Farming: A Hand Book. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1970.
Findings. Iowa City, Iowa: Prairie, 1968.
Given: New Poems. Washington D. C.: Shoemaker & Hoard. 2005.
[PART I: IN A COUNTRY ONCE FORESTED: Dust, In a Country Once Forested, Spring Haiku, To Tanya on My Sixtieth Birthday, They, Cathedral, Dante, All, The Fact, The Millennium, June Wind, A Small Theology, Why, The Rejected Husband, The Inlet, Listen!, In Art Rowanbery's Barn, A Stone Jug, Burley Coulter's Song for Kate Helen Branch, How To Be a Poet, Words, To a Writer of Reputation. PART II: FURTHER WORDS: Seventy Years, A Position, A Passing Thought, The Leader, The Ongoing Holy War against Evil, The Future, Some Further Words, Lysimachia Nummularia, Original Sin. PART III: SONATA AT PAYNE HOLLOW. PART IV: SABBATHS 1998-2004: Sabbaths 1998, I-X; Sabbaths 1999, I-IX; Sabbaths 2000, I-X; Sabbaths 2001, I-VI; Sabbaths 2002, I-X; Sabbaths 2003, I-XI; Sabbaths 2004, I-X ]
Horses. Monterey, Kentucky: Larkspur, 1974.
The Kentucky River. Monterey, Kentucky: Gnomon, 1975.
Leavings. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2010.
The Mad Farmer Poems. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2008.
New Collected Poems. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2012.
[COLLECTED POEMS: 1957-1982 (1984), ENTRIES (1994) GIVEN (2005), LEAVINGS 2010) excluding The Sabbath Poems]
November twenty six nineteen hundred sixty three. New York: Braziller, 1964.
Openings. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1968.
A Part. San Francisco: North Point, 1980.
Roots To The Earth. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2016
[The Man Born to Farming; The Buildings; The Seeds; The Current; The Barn; The Farmer, Speaking of Monuments; The Fearfulness of Hands That Have Learned Killing; Enriching the Earth; The Branch Way of Doing]
Sabbaths: Poems. San Francisco: North Point, 1987.
Sabbaths 1987. Monterey, Kentucky: Larkspur, 1991.
Sabbaths 2002. Monterey, Kentucky: Larkspur, 2004.
Sabbaths 2006. Monterey, Kentucky: Larkspur, 2008.
Sabbaths 2013. Monterey, Kentucky: Larkspur, 2015.
Sabbaths 2016. Monterey, Kentucky: Larkspur, 2018.
Sayings and Doings. Lexington, Kentucky: Gnomon, 1975.
The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 1999.
[THE BROKEN GROUND (1964): The Apple Tree, The Wild, The Plan, The Broken Ground. FINDINGS (1969): The Design of a House, Three Elegiac Poems. OPENINGS (1965): The Thought of Something Else, October 10, The Winter Rain, March Snow, The Dream, The Sycamore, Dark with Power, The Want of Peace, The Peace of Wild Things, Grace, The Meadow, Marriage, Do Not Be Ashamed, Window Poems, To a Siberian Woodsman, A Discipline. FARMING: A HANDBOOK (1970): The Man Born to Farming, February 2, 1968, The Stones, To Know the Dark, The Supplanting, The Springs, The Wish to be Generous, A Praise, Enriching the Earth, Air and Fire, A Standing Ground, Song in a Year of Catastrophe, The Current, Meditation in the Spring Rain, To the Unseeable Animal. THE COUNTRY OF MARRIAGE (1973): Breaking, Prayer After Eating, The Country of Marriage, Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front, The Mad Farmer Manifesto: The First Amendment, The Wild Geese, At a Country Funeral, Testament, The Clear Days. CLEARING (1977): History, A Vision. A PART (1980): Stay Home, The Cold Pane, For the Hog Killing, A Dance, The Fear of Love, To the Holy Spirit, To What Listens, The Lilies, The First, Below, The Hidden Singer, Ripening, The Way of Pain, A Meeting, We Who Prayed and Wept, Traveling at Home, Grief, A Warning to My Readers, Throwing Away the Mail, Creation Myth, Except, The Slip, Horses. THE WHEEL (1982): Requiem, Elegy, The Law That Marries All Things, Song, From the Distance, The Gift of Gravity, The Wheel, Our Children, Coming of Age, Song, In Rain. ENTRIES (1997): For the Explainers, Epitaph, A Marriage Song, Thirty More Years, The Record, The Wild Rose, The Blue Robe, In a Motel Parking Lot Thinking of Dr. Williams, The Vacation, Anglo-Saxon Protestant Heterosexual Men, Air, Enemies, To My Mother, The Mad Farmer, Flying the Flag of Rough Branch, Secedes from the Union , Duality, For an Absence, The Storm, Remembering My Father, Come Forth]
A Small Porch: Sabbath Poems 2014 and 2015 together with "The Presence of Nature in the Natural World: A Long Conversation". Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2016.
Terrapin and Other Poems. Illustrated by Tom Pohrt. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2014.
There Is Singing Around Me. Austin: Cold Mountain Press, 1976.
This Day: Sabbath Poems Collected and New 1979-2013. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2013.
[Contains the Sabbath poems of A TIMBERED CHOIR (1998), GIVEN (2005), LEAVINGS (2010), new groupings for 2009 to 2012, and two poems from 2013]
Three Memorial Poems. Berkeley, California: Sand Dollar, 1977.
A Timbered Choir: The Sabbath Poems 1979-1997. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 1998.
To What Listens. Crete, Nebraska: Best Cellar, 1975.
Traveling at Home. Press Alley, 1988; North Point 1989.
The Wheel. San Francisco, North Point, 1982.
Window Poems. Washington, D. C.: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2007.
Compiled by Tom Murphy, O. Carm., Chicago, IL