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Baker, Jack R. and Jeffrey Bilbro. Wendell Berry and Higher Education: Cultivating Virtues of Place. Lexington, KY: U P of Kentucky, 2017.
Baker, Jack R. and Jeffrey Bilbro, editors. Telling the Stories Right: Wendell Berry's Imagination of Port William. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock (Front Porch Republic), 2018.
Bilbro, Jeffrey. Loving God's Wildness: The Christian Roots of Ecological Ethics in American Literature. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2015.
Bilbro, Jeffrey. Virtues of Renewal: Wendell Berry's Sustainable Forms. U P of Kentucky, 2019.
Bonzo, J. Matthew and Michael R. Stevens. Wendell Berry and the Cultivation of Life: A Reader's Guide. Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2008.
Davis, Ellen. Scripture, Culture, and Agriculture. New York: Cambridge U P, 2009.
Edmonson, Todd. Priest, Prophet, Pilgrim: Types and Distortions of Spiritual Vocation in the Fiction of Wendell Berry and Cormac McCarthy. Pickwick Publications, 2014.
Freedman, Russell G. Wendell Berry: A Bibliography. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Libraries. 1998.
Goodrich, Janet. The Unforeseen Self in the Works of Wendell Berry. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 2001.
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Harden, David. Placed People: Rootedness in G. K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis, and Wendell Berry. Pickwick Publications, 2015.
Merchant, Paul, ed. Wendell Berry (American Authors Series). Lewiston, Idaho: Confluence, 1991.
Mitchell, Mark T. and Nathan Schlueter. The Humane Vision of Wendell Berry. Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books, 2011.
Oehlschlaeger, Fritz. The Achievement of Wendell Berry: The Hard History of Love. Lexington: U P of Kentucky, 2011.
Peters, Jason, ed. Wendell Berry: Life and Work. Lexington: U P of Kentucky, 2007.
Shuman, Joel James and L. Roger Owens, eds. Wendell Berry and Religion: Heaven's Earthly Life. Lexington: U P of Kentucky, 2009.
Smith, Kimberly K. Wendell Berry and the Agrarian Tradition: A Common Grace. Lawrence: U P of Kansas, 2003.
Sutterfield, Ragan. Wendell Berry and the Given Life. Cincinnati, OH: Franciscan Media, 2017.
Weibe, Joseph R. The Place of Imagination: Wendell Berry and the Poetics of Community, Affection, and Identity. Waco, TX: Baylor U P, 2017.