"A Citizen's Response to the National Security Strategy of the United States of America" (Orion Magazine) (published in Citizenship Papers)
"A Clearing" (The Hudson Review, Autumn 2018)
"A Consent (1908)" (The Saturday Evening Post, 1 July 2022)
"A 50-Year Farm Bill" with Wes Jackson (New York Times, 1.4.09)
"The Agrarian Standard" (published in Citizenship Papers)
"The Art of Loading Brush" (The Threepenny Review, Fall 2017)
"The Art of Loading Brush" read by Wendell Berry, 2017 (YouTube, UTC TV Studio)
"The Bad Modern History of Farming" (The Progressive, 15 June 2017)
"Berry: Dairy farmers need solutions for overproduction issues" (Henry County Local, 11 April 2018)
"The Body and the Earth" from The Unsettling of America (pdf)
"The Branch Way of Doing" (The Threepenny Review, Fall 2014)
"The Burden of the Gospels" (Religion Online) (published in The Way of Ignorance)
"Can Love Take Sides?" (Plough, 31 August 2022) from The Need to Be Whole
"Caught in the Middle: On Abortion and Homosexuality" (published in Our Only World)
"The Commerce of Violence" (published in The Progressive, June 2013)
"Compromise, Hell!" (Orion Magazine) (published in The Way of Ignorance)
"The Cultural Contradictions of Power," (Summer 1978 Fellows’ Meeting, New York City) – Schumacher Center, a Lindisfarne talk. (audio)
"Dairy Farmers Need Solutions" (Edible Louisville, 30 May 2018)
"Damage" (published in What Are People For?)
"The Debate Sharpens" (Berry correspondence with Stuart Brand, 1976, NASA)
"Dismemberment" (The Threepenny Review, Summer 2015)
"Eric Gill and the Integrity of Work" (The Progressive, 22 January 2021)
"Excerpts from the Writing of Wendell Berry" (Humanities, May/June 2012)
"The Failure of War" (Yes! Magazine, 5 November 2001) (published in Citizenship Papers)
"Farming and The Global Economy" at The Washington Post (published in Another Turn of the Crank)
"Farmland Without Farmers" (The Atlantic, 19 March 2015)
"Faustian Economics" (Harpers Archive, May 2008)
"The 50-Year Farm Bill" (The Atlantic, November 13, 2012)
"Fly Away, Breath," The Threepenny Review. Spring 2008.
"Health is Membership" (Science and Society, Duke University, pdf)
"I Love Mountains Day" Address: February 14, 2008 (YouTube)
"The Idea of a Local Economy" (short version: Orion, Winter 2001)
"In Distrust of Movements" (published in Citizenship Papers)
"Inverting the Economic Order" (Communio, Fall 2009) (published in What Matters? as "Money Versus Goods")
"It All Turns on Affection" (video) The Jefferson Lecture (23 April 2012)
"It All Turns on Affection" (text) The Jefferson Lecture (23 April 2012)
"Lest We Forget" an excerpt from "Making It Home" from Fidelity
Letter to the Sierra Club magazine (11/12 2005)
"Local Economies to Save the Land and the People" (In These Times, 25 March 2015)
"Lord, Lord" by George MacDonald and Wendell Berry (Plough, 17 August 2021)
"The Necessity of Agriculture" (acceptance speech for the Louis Bromfield Society Award, May 16, 2009) (published in What Matters? as "The Love of Farming")
"Obama's Election Brought About Racism Revival" (The Courier-Journal, 7 September 2015) and at The Lexington Herald-Leader (September 13, 2015)
"On Hayden Carruth: A Friendship in Poetry" (Poets.org)
"Out of Your Car, Off Your Horse" (published in Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community)
"People, Land, and Community." October 1981 (audio at Internet Archive)
"The Pleasures of Eating" (published in What Are People For?) and at Emergence (Alice Waters introduction)
"The Prejudice Against Country People" (published in Citizenship Papers)
"Renewing Husbandry" (Orion Magazine) (published in The Way of Ignorance)
Selected Quotes at Wikiquote (let's add some more)
"Small Destructions Add Up," (Counterpunch, 17 June 2003)
"Sold," The Atlantic, Fiction 2011.
"Solving for Pattern" (published in The Gift of Good Land) pdf
"Southern Despair" (reply to an article by Nathaniel Rich), New York Review of Books, 11 May 2017.
"Speech Against the State Government" Frankfort, KY: 14 February 2008
"Stand By Me," The Atlantic. August 2008.
"Think Little," The Berry Center (published in A Continuous Harmony)
"The Thought of Limits in a Prodigal Age" (Sierra, 5 December 2017)
"Thoughts in the Presence of Fear" (Reflections on 9.11) (published in Citizenship Papers)
"Tilling Word and Land" (Sojourners Magazine 11.05) (from "Imagination in Place" published in The Way of Ignorance)
"Two Economies" (World Wisdom, pdf) (published in Home Economics: Fourteen Essays)
"Two Minds" (Clarion Review, 16 February 2015) (published in Citizenship Papers, 2003)
"The Unsettling of America" (chapter 1 of The Unsettling of America)
"Wendell and Mary Berry's welcome to Prince Charles" (Louisville Courier-Journal, 17 March 2015)
"Wendell Berry Celebrates Fellowship of Kentucky Writers" (KET, 15 April 2015)
"Wendell Berry Makes Public Statement on the Death Penalty" (Danzig U.S.A., 29 January 2009)
"Wendell Berry: My literary friendships" (Library of America, 29 January 2018)
"Wendell Berry on Work" (a letter to The Progressive, November 2010, via Utne Reader)
"Wendell Berry: Telling the Truth" (a letter to writing students 13 June 2010)
Wendell Berry’s 1989 Commencement Address to the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine (via teachthought.com, posted 20 February 2015). See also "Wendell Berry's Commencement Speeches" (Moby Lives, 15 May 2014).
"What Else?" (Resilience, originally in Solutions, 15 July 2010)
"'What's Wrong with the Economy" (New York Review of Books, 22 October 2015)
"Whitefoot: A Story from the Center of the World" (from Orion, January/February 2007)
"Why I Am Not Going to Buy a Computer" (pdf)
link-checked 29 April 2022