Wendell Berry at Poetry Foundation
Wendell Berry at the Academy of American Poets
"Ellen Davis and Wendell Berry: The Poetry of Creatures" at On Being
Poetry Readings by Wendell Berry at Moyers & Co.
Poems in the Film "Look & See"
Please note that the piece popularly known as "The Real Work" or "The Impeded Stream" is actually a section of lineated prose taken from the essay "Poetry and Marriage" found in Mr. Berry's Standing by Words.
"A Speech to the Garden Club of America" (The New Yorker, 9.28.09)
"A Vision" (Inward Bound Poetry, 6.5.08)
"Amish Economy" (Not Too Much, Brian McKinlay)
"Enemies" (The Art Divas/Divas of Verse, 28 November 2016)
"For the Hog Killing" (I'll be on that hill, O'Donnell)
"Four Poems by Wendell Berry from Sabbaths 2011" (Terrain.org, 6.30.13)
"From Sabbaths 2013" (Threepenny Review)
"It is hard to have hope" Sabbath VI, 2007 (Words for the Year, 20 January 2019)
"Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front" (Context Institute)
"Planting Trees" (The Rabbit Room)
"Questionnaire" (Yale University)
"Sabbaths" (Oxford American, Spring 2018)
"Santa Clara Valley" (Austin Kleon)
"The Birth (Near Port William)" (J Dot Clarkson)
"The Defenders" (Orion, 7/8.09)
"The Farm" (Consider the pigeons)
"The Mad Farmer, Flying the Flag of Rough Branch, Secedes from the Union" (The Value of Sparrows)
"The Objective" [Sabbath Poem II, 1997] (from the film Look and See at Vimeo)
"The Peace of Wild Things" (gratefulness.org)
"The Peace of Wild Things" (animated at Aeon)
"The Real Work" (The Writer's Almanac)
"The Stones" (The Prairie Enthusiasts)
"The Wild Geese" ("What we need is here" Awakin.org)
"The Wish to be Generous" (cla.calpoly.edu)
"Three Elegiac Poems" read by Mark Powell (YouTube)
“To a Siberian Woodsman” (Derek Vreeland)
"What Passes, What Remains" from Sabbaths 2016 (in "Wendell Berry Is Not a Prophet," Modern Farmer)
links checked 6 November 2020