Site News: Wendell Berry fiction listed in Narrative Order

Many long-term followers of Wendell Berry's fiction have become used to reading the work as it appears, more or less in order of publication. I'm a particular fan of this approach. It includes the joy of discovering new insights or shifts of perspective "in real time" along with the author. But clearly this isn't the only way to read the news of Port William. A growing number of readers want to experience it imaginatively from an historical point of view, as in "What are the oldest tales of Port William? And how did they grow?"

More and more often, I find people on social media asking about where to begin reading Wendell Berry or what to read next. There is help for them HERE. And lately there's another concern among readers who are looking for an orderly and complete-as-possible immersion into the life of Port William. Counterpoint Press began to help these folks back in 2004 with the release of That Distant Land, whose Table of Contents lists not only short stories but novels, as well, according to their narrative chronology. This was followed in 2012 by A Place in Time. In 2018 this work continued when The Library of America published Wendell Berry: Port William Novels & Stories, The Civil War to World War II.

Leaning on these three works and a range of other resources (along with good nudges from members of The Wendell Berry Society at Facebook), I've put together a list of all presently available Port William fiction according to their narrative order— the chronological order in which the events of the stories take place— right HERE.

Mr. Wendell Berry of Kentucky Site Note: Checking the Links

This is just to say ... that I have checked the links on pages that have them.

Sadly, I found quite a few broken links and a number of irretrievable ones.

So it goes out here on the internet.

If/when you find a problematic link here, please drop me a line ([email protected]), and I'll see what I can do about it.

Thank you, friends, for continuing to find this site useful and for occasionally telling me so.


Site Update for Mr. Wendell Berry of Kentucky

Here at the start of a lovely slow Christmas break I've decided to review some parts of this site and see what could be tidied up and/or improved. So I have begun with WB General Information, a page that has never pleased me much. Some broken links have been fixed or deleted, and I've happily added a section of links related to Mary Berry, whose work as executive director of The Berry Center is extending her family's and father's legacy out to new horizons.

If you have any suggestions for further changes to this site, please let me know. How might this site better serve your needs?

A new look for Mr. Wendell Berry of Kentucky

I have freshened the place up a bit. Let me know if it works for you—or, more importantly, if it doesn't.

The banner photo was made by Lewis Hine and is dated May 5, 1916. It comes from the Library of Congress and is titled:

[Willie Nall, 11 years old; Raymond Jones, 10 years old; Denver Jones, 5 years old; plowing on farm. They had just finished a job of hauling. See report.] Location: [Elizabethtown vicinity, Kentucky]/L. W. Hine

In using this photo (and perhaps others to come), I am not blind to Mr. Hine's purposes—and am not interested in romanticizing the past. He was trying to document the nature of (and abuses associated with) child labor in the United States at that time. Mr. Berry is sometimes criticized for a softened or romanticized vision of rural life, but I believe the reality is in the stories, poems, and essays for a careful reader to see.

For an introduction to Lewis Hine's work, please go HERE. And HERE.


You might have noticed that I've added a new gadget down near the bottom of this site ... the FEEDJIT Live thingamajig. I'm having some silly fun watching you as you arrive. I tend to stay put, but I daydream a bit about other places—the places where you are. I like to think that your place is a real place, a place that you can know and love as surely as I can know and love mine.

So here is a little list of where some of you recently come from ... Welcome, All!

Surrey, British Columbia
Louisville, Kentucky
Lexington, North Carolina
Raeford, North Carolina
League City, Texas
Lawton, Oklahoma
Sharon, Massachusetts
Franklin, North Carolina
Newport, Kentucky
Bronx, New York
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Crystal Springs, Mississippi
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Northfield, Minnesota
Oakland, California
Urbana, Illinois
San Antonio, Texas
Crystal Springs, Mississippi
Seattle, Washington
Sydenham, Victoria
Vancouver, British Columbia
Nanjing, Jiangsu
Wichita, Kansas
Seoul, Seoul-t'ukpyolsi
Trowbridge, Wiltshire
Chatham, New Jersey
Haddonfield, New Jersey
Woodstock, New York
Richmond, Kentucky
Bombay, Maharashtra
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Greensboro, North Carolina

Today's action at MWBoK

The activity aimed at this site today has been unprecedented. And so we take note.

Normally, Mr. Wendell Berry of Kentucky averages about 200 page views per day. But we just finished our day (based on GMT) at 702. Here's our traffic graphic for the past 120 days:


Quite unusual. The only difference between today and other days seems to be that Mr. Berry was interviewed on NPR. This seems to have driven hordes of folk to Google "Wendell Berry" which led them on to this site—many, perhaps, for the first time.That's all I can figure.

So if you are one of those newcomers, welcome! I hope that this site may continue for some time to be a good resource for those who are seeking the challenge and hopefulness that Mr. Berry offers.