Here are listed the people of Port William and thereabouts. A single mention in a single work qualifies one for entry on this list. Real-life people who figure in later stories as Andy Catlett's friends are also included.
The Key to Story Abbreviations
Alexander, Mrs. - preacher's wife, teaches violin [JC]
Ardmire, Dr. - New Testament Greek professor at Pigeonville College [JC]
Auntie - see Finley, Ora [AC]
Aunt Cass - cook for Ben and Nancy Feltner [F1, DL1, 4, AC]
Aunt Fanny - Joe Banion's mother [PE, OJ, HC]
Aunt Lizzie - see Lord, Lizzie [AC]
Aunt Ren - early cook/housekeeper for Beechums [OJ]
Aunt Sarah Jane - wife of Dick Watson, cook for Marce Catlett [WL, AC, PT9, 11]
"Aunt Suzy" - daughter of Elizabeth Catlett, aunt of Marcellus Catlett [HW12]
Bagby, Mr. Willis - school benefit auctioneer [WW1, DL3]
Banion, Joe - Feltner farmhand [PE, OJ, WB4, JC, HC, AC]
Banion, Nettie - Feltner cook/housekeeper [PE, OJ, WL, HC, AC]
Banion, Samp - son of Aunt Cass and Old Smoke, father of Joe [F1, DL4, AC]
Banion, Smoke - husband of Aunt Cass, Joe Banion's grandfather, former slave [WB4, F1, DL1, 4, AC]
Beechum (Pettit), Clara - Jack's daughter [OJ, WB3]
Beechum, Hamilton and Matthew - Jack's older brothers, killed in Civil War [OJ]
Beechum, Old Jack - see The Membership; The Poetry [PE, BW, OJ, WB3, 4, 6, R, F1, JC, DL1, 4, HC, AC, PT20, AB4, HW11, 13]
Beechum, Nancy (Feltner) - see The Membership [OJ, R, DL1, 4]
Beechum, Ruth (Lightwood) - Jack's wife [OJ, F1, DL4]
Benson, Earl - farms next door to Beechum place, interested in buying it [WB3]
Berlews - family occupying Roger Merchant's old place [PT12, HW6]
Berlew, Cocky - "knowledgable" & prolific father [HW6]
Berlew, Fielding (Fee) - townsman, drinker [JC, AC]
Berlew, Fraz - father of Fielding [JC, HC]
Berlew, Laz - carpenter's hired man [HW6]
Berlew, Lightning and Sylvania ("Smoothbore") - farmhands for Feltners [OJ]
Berlew, Worth - snuck into hootchy-kootchy tent [HW8]
Berry, Etta Mae - an elderly widow in Sycamore [PT6]
Bode, Kyle - investigating detective [F4]
Bower, Uncle Bishop - oldest resident of PW in 1888 [DL1]
Branch, Angeleen [WL]
Branch, Beureen [WL]
Branch, Coreen [WL]
Branch, Coulter - son of Danny and Lyda [HC, PT19, AB3, 4, HW10, 11]
Branch, Danny - see The Membership [NC, WB5, 6, R, F4, TM2, HC, AC, PT12, 15, 18, AB3, 4, HW7, 10, 11]
Branch, Delano
Branch, Eveleen
Branch, Fount - son of Danny and Lyda [HC, AB3, 4, HW10,11]
Branch, Franklin ("Floreen") }children of Jake and Minnie Branch [WB2]
Branch, Jake and Minnie - tenants on "the old Mack Crayton place" owned by Wheeler Catlett [WB2, WL, HW12]
Branch, Kate Helen - mother of Danny - see The Membership; The Poetry [NC, WB6, F4, WW1, JC, DL3, HC, PT12, AB3, HW10]
Branch, Lillybelle - daughter of Jake's first marriage [WB2]
Branch, Lute - hog-killer for Carter Keith [JC, DL2]
Branch, Lyda (Royal) - wife of Danny [WB6, R, F4, TM2, HC, PT12, 15, 16, 18, AB3, 4, HW10, 11]
Branch, Old Mrs. - Kate Helen's mother [WB6]
Branch, Rachel - daughter of Danny and Lyda [HC, AB3, HW10]
Branch, Reenie - Jake's youngest child by his first marriage [WB2]
Branch, Rosie - daughter of Danny and Lyda [HC, AB3, HW10]
Branch, Royal - son of Danny and Lyda [HC, AB3, HW10]
Branch, Reuben - son of Danny and Lyda [HC, AB3, 4, HW10]
Branch, Trill and Juanita - sisters of Reenie through Jake's first marriage [WB2]
Branch, Will - son of Danny and Lyda [HC, AB3, HW10]
Branch, Wilma - wife of Coulter [PT19]
Brant, Anvil - farmer [PE]
Braymer, Billy - first grade student orator [WW1, DL3]
Brewster, Mrs. - deceased townsperson [PE]
Brightleaf, Fred - friend of Andy [WL, AC, HW12]
Brightleaf, Ida - ("the Madam") wife of Rufus [AC]
Brightleaf, Jess - friend of Marce Catlett, Fred's father [WL, AC]
Brightleaf, Mike - bringer of the dog Mike [PT14]
Brightleaf, Mrs. - mother of Fred [WL]
Brightleaf, Rufus - uncle of Fred [WL, JC, AC, HW4]
Brightleaf, Ruth - wife of Jess, mother of Fred [AC]
Bruce, Mr. - owned a threshing machine [HW12]
Bubbles - burlesque performer [NC, HW8]
Budge, Miss Della - former teacher of Jack Beechum [F1, DL4]
Burgess, Milton - owner of Burgess General Merchandise [PE, JC, AC]
Burgess, Mrs. - wife of Milton [PE ]
Burgess, Uncle Royal - merchant, deceased [JC]
Burk, Noah - friend of Andy [WL]
Bush, Officer - policeman in Louisville [F4]
Buttermore, Mr. - client of Wheeler Catlett [WL, TM2, HC, HW13]
Callahan, Bernice and Red - of Sycamore [PT6]
Callahan, Ted - Andy's and Flora's college classmate [R]
Cat - slave woman owned by Maxie Dawe's father [PT2]
Catlett, Andrew - Andy's uncle, brother of Wheeler [WL, AC, PT5, 7, 9, HW1, 12]
Catlett, Andy - see The Membership; The Poetry [PE, OJ, WB2, 4, 5, 6, R, F1, 4, 5, WL, TM2, DL1, 4, HC, AC, PT2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, AB1, 2, 3, 4, HW]
Catlett (Feltner), Bess - Wheeler's wife see The Membership [PE, WB1, 4, R, F4, WL, DL4, 8, AC, PT8, 14]
Catlett, Betty - daughter of Andy [R, PT17, HW7]
Catlett (Wheeler), Dorie - wife of Marcellus see The Membership [OJ, WB1, 6, R, WL, DL8, HC, AC, PT5, 7, 9, 14, 20,HW1, 2, 4, 5, 12]
Catlett, Elizabeth Coulter - mother of Marcellus, "Miss Lizzie" to Dorie [HW12]
Catlett, Aunt Flora - Andy's aunt, purchased Harford place [HW10]
Catlett, Flora - Andy's wife see The Membership [WB5, R, F1, 4, HC, PT17, AB1, 3, HW7, 10, 11]
(Catlett), Flora - Betty's daughter, Andy's granddaughter [HW9]
Catlett, Henry - see The Membership [BW, WB2, 5, R, F4, WL, HC, AC, PT7, 8, 14, 17, 20, AB1, 4, HW4, 11]
Catlett, Judith - wife of Andrew [WL]
Catlett, Lucy - great-grandmother of Andy, sister of James [WL]
Catlett, Marcie - son of Andy [PT17, HW7, 9, 11]
Catlett, Marcellus - see The Membership [OJ, WB1, 6, R , F1, WL, TM2, JC, DL4, 8, HC, AC, PT5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 20, AB1, 4, HW1, 2, 11, 12, 13]
Catlett, Mason - father of Marcellus [HW12]
Catlett, Sarah (sometimes Sara) - Henry's wife see The Membership [WB5, R, F4]
Catlett, Virgil - son of Andy [R]
Catlett, Wheeler - see The Membership [PE, OJ, WB all, R, F1, 4, WL, TM1, 2, DL8, HC, AC, PT4, 11, 14, 17, 20, AB1, 4, HW2, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13]
Catlett, Will - older brother of Marcellus [WL, PT7]
Chatham, Athey Keith - third child of Troy and Mattie [JC]
Chatham, Beater - general store owner [F1, WW1, DL3, 4]
Chatham, Della Elizabeth (Liddie) - first child of Troy and Mattie [JC]
Chatham, James William (Jimmy) - second child of Troy and Mattie [JC]
Chatham, Mattie - see Keith, Mattie [JC]
Chatham, Troy - husband of Mattie Keith [JC, AC]
Chin, French - farmhand for Dave Coulter [BW]
Chum - waiter and handyman at FitzGerald's Riverwood nightclub [JC]
Clark, Barber - barber at The Good Shepherd orphanage [JC]
Clemmons, Perry family - visited by Ruth Lightwood [OJ]
Clevis, Captain Bobby Nick - boy of Port William [PE67]
Cordle, Annie May - see Ellis, Annie May
Cordle, Beulah - see Gibbs, Beulah
Corvin, Chumpy and Grover - bullies [WL]
Cotman, Dora - townswoman [JC]
Cotman, Irene - daughter of Walter and Thelma [F2]
Cotman, Mushrat - farmer, "pioneer" in the Frankfort parade [DK]
Cotman, Thig - husband of Dora [JC]
Cotman, Dark Tom - blind man [JC]
Cotman, Walter and Thelma - of the Cotman Ridge neighborhood see The Membership [F2, WW7, DL5, PT20]
Coulter, Abner - Thad's only son [F1, DL4]
Coulter, Alvin - single farmer who made a clearing [HW3]
Coulter, Amos Abner - grandfather of Dave Coulter and Marce Catlett, son of Jonas T. Coulter [F4]
Coulter, Burley - see The Membership; The Poetry [NC, PE, BW, OJ, WB5, 6, R, DK, F1, 4, WW1, 7, TM1, JC, DL3, 4, 5, HC, AC, PT3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, AB3, HW6, 7, 8, HW10]
Coulter, Caleb - son of Nathan and Hannah, married to Alice Hamilton [HC]
Coulter, Dave - see The Membership [NC, OJ, WB6, F1, 4, JC, DL4, HC, PT10]
Coulter, George W. - see The Membership [NC, WB5, 6 ]
Coulter (Feltner, née Steadman), Hannah - see The Membership [PE, BW, OJ, WB4, 6, R, F4 WL, HC, AC, PT18, HW7]
Coulter, Jarrat - see The Membership [NC, BW, OJ, WB5, 6, R, F4, JC, HC, AC, PT4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18]
Coulter, Jonas Thomasson - see The Membership [NC ]
Coulter, Letitia (McGown) - great great grandmother, married to "another Nathan Coulter" [R, PT10]
(Coulter), Aunt Mary - youngest daughter of Jonas Thomasson Coulter see The Membership [NC]
Coulter, Martha Elizabeth - Thad's youngest child [F1, DL4]
Coulter, Mathew Burley (Mattie) - son of Nathan and Hannah [OJ, WB4, 5, 6, HC]
Coulter, Nathan - see The Membership [NC, PE, BW, OJ, WB3, 4, 6, R, F4, WL, JC, HC, AC, PT6, 10, 12, 18, HW7]
Coulter, Parthenia B. - see The Membership [NC]
Coulter, Rachel - Thad's wife [F1, DL4]
Coulter, Ransom - ancient member of the family remembered by Jack Beechum [OJ]
Coulter, Thad - (1855-1912) cousin of Dave, killer of Ben Feltner [F1, JC, DL2, 4]
Coulter, Tom - Nathan's. brother, see The Membership [NC, PE, WB6, F4, JC, HC, AC, PT6, 10, 12, HW8]
Coulter, Zelma (Humston) - wife of Dave [JC, HC, PT10]
Courtney, Dolph - drugstore owner [PE, JC, AC]
"Cousin Rose" - granddaughter of Elizabeth Catlett, cousin of Marcellus Catlett [HW12]
Crandel, Mr. and Mrs. [NC]
Crane, Corbin - step-father of Elton Penn [WW4]
Crane, Noble - member of The Regulators [JC, DL2]
Cray, Corbin - alt. name (error?) of Corbin Crane [TM1]
Creed, Lizard Eye and Zinnia - shantyboat residents in Sycamore [PT6]
Crop, Annie - daughter of Gideon [PE]
Crop, Gideon - tenant/sharecropper for R. Merchant [PE, PT12]
Crop, Ida - wife of Gideon [PE, PT12]
Crop, John - father of Gideon, hog-killer for Carter Keith [PE, JC, DL2]
Crow, Iona (Quail) - mother of Jayber Crow [JC]
Crow, Jayber (Jonas) - see The Membership; The Poetry [PE, OJ, WB6, DK, JC, HC, AC, PT13, 15, HW6]
Crow, Luther - father of Jayber Crow [JC]
Crow, Walter - student orator [WW1, DL3]
Crowley, Kelly - real estate man [HC]
Crutchlow, Ivy - stepmother of Hannah Coulter [HC, AC]
Crutchlow, Allen - Ivy's son [HC, AC]
Crutchlow, Elvin - Ivy's son [HC, AC]
Cuthberts - an early farm family, long gone as of 1948 [PT12]
Dagget, Aunt Cordie (Cordelia) - wife of Otha [WW7, JC, DL5]
Dagget, Uncle Otha (Othy) - farmer and fisher at Squire's Landing [WW7, JC]
Davis, Angela - proprietress of the Poppy Shop in Hargrave [AC]
Davis, Marion - school friend of Andy Catlett [WL]
Dawe, Galen - older brother of Rebecca, killed by a neighbor as he left to join Confederate Army [PT1, 2]
Dawe, James John - father of Rebecca and Galen, husband of Maxie [PT1]
Dawe, Maxie (Maximilla) (1814-1907) - mother of Rebecca and Galen, wife of James John, grandmother of Margaret Feltner [PT1, 2]
Dawe, Rebecca - daughter of Maxie and James John, sister of Galen, mother of Margaret Feltner [PT1]
Dawson, Rowd - claims to be the natural son of Mr. Buttermore [TM2]
Demint, Saul - hired hand of Marce Catlett [AC]
Doyle, Jim - member of The Regulators [JC, DL2]
Dunham, Billy - son of Hackett [PT13]
Dunham, Hackett - farmer in whose barn loft basketball is played [PT13]
Dunham, June - son of Hackett [PT13]
Easterly, Beriah - previous owner of the Billy Landing property [NC, JC]
Easterly, Calvin - son of Beriah [NC]
Easterly, Mrs. - wife of Beriah [NC]
Eckstrom, Jones, Bitmer, Hirsch, Walters, Corelli, McBride - dead soldiers [F3]
Edge, Emmet - a shantyboatman [JC]
Ekrum, Uncle Arn - owner of an automobile [WW4]
Eli - slave of Maxie Dawe [PT1]
Ellis, Annie May (Cordle) - wife of Big [NC, PE, JC, HC, PT3, 10, 16, 19]
Ellis, Big - farmer, drinking buddy/accomplice of Burley [NC, PE, JC, HC, PT3, 10, 13, 16, 19]
Ellis, Jeff - disputes farm boundary with J. T. Coulter [NC]
Ellis, Big Joe - hog-killer for Carter Keith [JC, DL2]
Ellis, Little Joe - hog-killer for Carter Keith [JC, DL2]
Ellis, old Mr. - probably Big's father [PT16]
Fanshaw, Focus - drunk townsman [JC]
Feltner, Ben - see The Membership [OJ, WB4, 6, R, F1, DL1, 4, HC, AC]
Feltner, Bess (Catlett) - Mat's daughter, see Catlett, Bess [F1, DL4, HC]
Feltner (Coulter), Hannah - see The Membership [PE, BW, OJ, WB4, 6, R, F4 WL, HC, AC]
Feltner, Margaret (Finley) - see The Membership [PE, BW, OJ, WB4, 5, R, F1, WL, JC, DL1, 4, AC, PT1,2, 7, AB4]
Feltner, Little Margaret - daughter of Virgil and Hannah [PE, BW, OJ, HC]
Feltner, Mat - see The Membership; The Poetry [NC, PE, BW, OJ, WB4, 5, 6, R, F1, 4, WL, JC, DL1, 4, AC, PT7, 20, AB4, HW3]
(Feltner?) Great-Aunt Milly - Mat's aunt [PE ]
Feltner, Nancy (Beechum) - Ben's wife [R, F1, DL1, HC, AC]
Feltner, Virgil - see The Membership [PE, WB4, F4, JC, HC, AC, PT9, HW1, 8]
Fewclothes, Ben and Ellie - an elderly black couple, lived across the river from the Daggets [JC]
Fields, Dewey - hog-killer for Carter Keith [JC, DL2]
Finley, Dr. - husband of Ora, brother (?) of Margaret Feltner [HC]
Finley, Ernest - carpenter, Mat Feltner's brother-in-law [PE, JC, HC, AC]
Finley, Margaret - see Feltner, Margaret [DL1]
Finley, Ora - Margaret (Finley) Feltner's sister-in-law [HC, AC]
Finley, Rebecca - mother of Margaret and Ernest [F1, DL4]
Finn, Billie - friend of Wheeler Catlett [PT14]
Finn, Mrs. Frannie Frankle - wife of Billie [PT14]
Finn, Gladdie - Jayber Crow's next-door neighbor, widow of Forrest senior, mother of Forrest junior [JC]
Firth, Troy - real-life Pennsylvania forest owner [AB1]
Fisher, Charlie - real-life Ohio draft horse logger [AB1]
Fitzgerald, Mrs. Doozie - owner of Riverwood nightclub [JC]
Flynn, Miss Iris - Yeager Stump's girlfriend, owner of the Rosebud Café in Hargrave [WL]
Foresee, Graham - sells mules to Jack Beechum in 1888 [OJ]
Forest Franklin - congressman from Port William's district [R]
Gadwell, P. R. - merchant at Stoneport [WL]
Gale, Nell - girlfriend of Henry and Andy Catlett [JC]
Galingale, Orvie - acquaintance of Andy Catlett [AC, HW8]
Gallagher, Latham - runs for state representative [WW2, DL6]
Gibbs, Althie - schoolgirl [JC, PT19, HW8]
Gibbs, Bernice - granddaughter of Maxie Dawe [PT2]
Gibbs, Beulah (née Cordle) - wife of Grover [WB6, PT4, 19, HW6, 8]
Gibbs, Billy (William Franklin) - son of Grover, soldier/flyer; see The Poetry [PE, AC, PT19, HW8]
Gibbs, Grover - son of Stanley [PE, WB6, JC, AC, PT4, 15, 19, HW6, 8]
Gibbs, Nance - daughter of Grover and Beulah [PT19, HW8]
Gibbs, Mrs. (Miss) Pauline - wife of Stanley [PE, JC]
Gibbs, Sissy - daughter of Grover and Beulah [PT19, HW8]
Gibbs, Stanley - son of Grover and Beulah [PT19, HW8]
Gibbs, Uncle Stanley - church janitor and grave-digger; father of Grover The Poetry [PE, JC]
Gidwell, Spence - part of the Dunham barn basketball group [PT13]
Gidwell, Tomtit - son of Spence [PT13]
Goodall, Snazz - hired hand of Wheeler Catlett [HW4]
Goslin, Herman - provides transport from river landing to town in 1880s [DL1]
Greatlow, Clydie - niece of Violet, friend of Jaber Crow, caretaker of mother Sigurnia and Aunt Beulah [JC]
Greatlow, Mr. - second husband of Lizzie Kate Skinner [PE]
Greatlow, Tommy - of Hargrave, husband of Althie Gibbs [PT19]
Greatlow, Tommy Jr. - sone of Tommy and Althie [PT19]
Greatlow, Violet - barber in Hargave [JC]
Hackman ("Old Man Hawk") - tobacco worker [AC]
Hall, Arch - son-in-law of Elton and Mary Penn [PT17]
Hallie, Miss - Wheeler Catlett's secretary 1950s [WB3]
Hamilton, Alice - wife of Caleb Coulter [HC]
Hample, Delbert - father of Thacker [WW7, DL5]
Hample, Frankie Lee (Grinner) - "pioneer" in the Frankfort parade [DK]
Hample, Jonah and Daisy - of The Cotman Ridge neighborhood see The Membership [F2, PT20]
(Hample), Aunt Nancy - grandmother of Thacker [WW7, DL5]
(Hample), Uncle Norey - grandfather of Thacker [WW7, DL5]
Hample, Thacker (Nightlife) - member of large Hample clan of Katy's Branch [WW7, DL5]
Hanks, Sam - nephew of Miss Minnie Quinch, truck driver [DK, F3, WW3, 4, 7, JC, DL5, 7]
Hanks, Warren - father of Sam Hanks, husband of Miss Minnie Quinch's sister [WW7, DL5]
Harbison, Shadrock - "entrepreneur," fence-rebuilder from Ellville [AB4, HW11]
Harbison, Nub - Shad's son [AB4, HW11]
Hardy, Braymer - farmer of The Cotman Ridge neighborhood see The Membership [F1, WW4, 7, DL4, 5, PT20, HW13]
Hardy, Charlie - court clerk at Hargrave [WL, AC, PT9]
Hardy, Josie (Josie Braymer) - wife of Braymer [F2, WW7, DL5, PT20]
Hardy, Tom - farmer of The Cotman Ridge neighborhood see The Membership [F2, WW7, DL5, PT20]
Hardy, Josie (Josie Tom) - wife of Tom [F2, WW7, DL5, PT20]
Harford, Riley - Port William farmer d. 1903 [R, HC, PT12, AB3, 4, HW10, 11]
Harmon, Carp - killer of Andrew Catlett [WL]
Hawes, Skinner - barber in Lexington [JC]
Hayes, Stillman - hog-killer for Carter Keith [JC, DL2]
Heartsease, Miss Agnes - Andy Catlett's fourth grade teacher [AC, PT4, 8]
Hench, Felix and Festus - members of The Regulators [JC, DL2]
Hench, Hiram - townsman [JC]
Hendrick, Mrs. - hotel owner [PE, OJ, PT20]
Hernshaw, Walter - client of Wheeler Catlett's [F4]
Hockett, Arnold - real-life Iowa farmer [AB1]
Holston, Gib - "atheist doctor" in Smallwood [AC, PT7, 14]
Hopple, Ag and Gilead - parents of Hibernia [WW1, DL3]
Hopple, Hibernia - student orator [WW1, JC, DL3]
Horsefield, Barber (Peter A. Haussfeldt) - pre-Jayber barber of Port William [JC]
Humston, Whit - Dave Coulter's father-in-law [OJ]
Humston, Zelma (Coulter) - daughter of Whit, wife of Dave Coulter [JC, HC]
Hundley, Mel - shop-owner in Port William [AB4, HW11]
J. D. - brother-in-law of Big Ellis, on vacation from Louisville [NC]
Jackson, Wes - real-life co-founder of The Land Institute, Salina KS [AB1]
Jimson, Hal - Andy's and Flora's college classmate [R]
Joe - son of Samp [F1, DL4]
Johnson, Elder - blacksmith [F1, JC, DL4]
Johnson, Will - former blacksmith of Port William (d. 1951) [JC]
Jones, Professor Barton - Andy and Flora Catlett's college history prof. [R]
Jones, Cocky - part of the Dunham barn basketball group [PT13]
Jones, Uncle Jackson - Elton Penn's uncle [TM1, PT18]
Jones, Laban - Wheeler's friend, farmer's son [WB1]
Jones, Portly - assistant to Milo Settle [JC]
Jones, U. S. - member of The Regulators [JC, DL2]
Jones, Wisely - Portly's brother [JC]
Junior, Junior, and Clay - Nub Harbison's helpers [AB4, HW11]
Keith, Athey - farmer, husband of Della, father of Mattie [JC, DL2, HC, AC, W]
Keith, Carter - father of Athey [JC, DL2]
Keith, Della - wife of Athey, mother of Mattie [JC, HC]
Keith, Mattie (Chatham) - daughter of Athey, wife of Troy [JC, HC]
Keith, Will - a saw-logger [PT18]
Kentfield, Tim and Bubby - friends of Andy Catlett [WL]
Kirby - Andy Catlett's girlfriend at Hargrave [OJ]
Kline, David and Elsie - real-life Ohio Amish farmers [AB1]
Klinger, Mrs. - owner of dry goods store in Hargrave [HC]
Knole, Lisby - last of Bess Catlett's generation in Port William [PT13]
Knole, Oma and Callie - granddaughters of Maxie Dawe [PT2]
Lamar, Gid - member of The Regulators [JC, DL2]
Lathrop, Frank - general store co-owner with son Jasper [PE, AC]
Lathrop, Jasper - general store co-owner with father Frank, soldier [PE, OJ, TM1, JC, AC]
Lathrop, Minnie - wife of Frank [PE]
La Vere, J. Robert - son of Uncle Bub Levers, lawyer in Hargrave [PT4, 19]
La Vere, Forrest - politician [HW8]
La Vere, Mrs. J. Robert - see Riggins, Charlotte
Lawler, E. (Elizabeth) - a girl at The Good Shepherd orphanage [JC]
Leatherwood, Norm - Andy's and Flora's college classmate [R]
Levers - family had a place off Bird Branch Road [HW8
Levers, Jasper (Jappy) - see La Vere, J. Robert
Levers, Uncle Bub - father of Jasper Levers (J. Robert La Vere) [PT4]
Lightwood, Ruth - marries Jack Beechum [OJ]
Lilly, Agnes Lee - classmate of Andy Catlett [AC]
Logsdon, Gene - real-life Ohio farmer, writer [AB1]
Lord, Homer - husband of Lizzie [HC]
Lord, Lizzie - sister of Ora Finley, best friend of Margaret Finley [AC]
Loyd, Gander - friend of Burley Coulter [NC]
Loyd, Mandy - wife of Gander [NC]
Markman, Dr. - physician of Port William around 1937 [JC, AC, PT10]
Markman, Jim Pete - merchant at the Billy Landing [JC, DL2]
Markman, Uncle Eb - old Catlett farmhand [WL, PT7]
Markman, Gladys and Amster - deceased farm folks [WL]
Martin, William - real-life ecologist, friend of Andy Catlett [AB1]
Mayhew, Floyd's boy - helps Old Jack Beechum plow a garden [PE]
McCallum, John T. - farmer, "closer to Hargrave than to Port William" [DK, JC]
McCardy, Arnold - an auctioneer [PT19]
McEndry, Pistol, Hamp, Lank and Spiz - young men on the town [JC]
McGrother, Guiney - member of The Regulators [JC, DL2]
McGrother, Sims - contends with Jack Beechum for the Farrier place [OJ]
McIniss, Dr. Clay - deceased husband of Rose [OJ]
McIniss, Rose - Jack Beechum's mistress [OJ]
McKinney, Uncle Jones and Aunt Ruth - residents of Sycamore [PT6]
Meikelberger, Bill - Ohio farmer using scientific methods [R]
(Merchant), Angela - Violet's daughter who inherits land from Violet and Roger [R]
Merchant, Griffith - PW farmer bought Harford's land, father of Roger [PE, R]
Merchant, Roger - Mat Felter's cousin, drunk, landowner [PE, R, PT12]
Merchant, Violet - sister of Roger [R]
Mike - an English setter [PT14]
Milby, Laura (Strafe) - wife of Williams Milby [PT6, 10]
Milby, Williams - minister for the town of Sycamore [PT6, 10]
Miller, Monroe - real-life Ohio Amish farmer [AB1]
Mixter, Bill - band leader, dance caller and fiddle player [PE, JC]
"Momma-pie" - mother of Judith Catlett [WL]
Moneyworth, Floyd ("Fatty") - hired tobacco worker [Hw13]
Montgomery, Lemuel (Chicken Little) - twin brother of Len [NC]
Montgomery, Len (Mushmouth) - twin brother of Lemuel [NC]
Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. - parents of Mary Penn [PT20, HW13]
Mullet - real-life ex-Amish coal operator [AB1]
Mulwain, Aunt Molly - widow, former slave, mother of Aunt Ellie Fewclothes [JC, DL2]
Naparilla, A. M. - harness maker in Hargrave [HW1]
Needly, Dicey - Rebecca Dawe's aunt, sister of Maxie Dawe, wife of Thomas Needly [PT1]
Needly, Thomas - Port William blacksmith, imprisoned for aiding a rebel, husband of Dicey [PT1]
Netherbough, Tommy - Andy Catlett's friend, classmate, editor at Scientific Farming [R]
Niblett, Buster - student orator [WW1, DL3]
Nightlife (Thacker Hample) - member of large Hample clan of Katy's Branch [WW7, DL5]
Oaks, Col - husband of Lillybelle Branch [WB2, WL]
O'Callahan, N. (Nan) - a girl at The Good Shepherd orphanage [JC]
Old Man Hawk (Hackman) - tobacco worker [AC]
Overhold, Brother - minister [WW1, DL3]
Overhold, Ceceilia - wife of Roy [JC]
Overhold, Aunt Ret - deceased [JC]
Overhold, Roy (Royal?) - townsman, "pioneer" in Frankfort parade [DK, JC]
Page, Austin - a boy from Hargrave, Andy Catlett's helper [AB4, HW11]
Page, Daisy - Austin's mother [AB4, HW11]
Page, Webster - foxhunter from Goforth, hog-killer for Carter Keith [JC, DL2]
Partlet, Mrs. - wife of Jockey Partlet, neighbor of Minnie Branch [WL]
Partridge, Bare-ass Bill - boy, son of Nellie [PE67]
Partridge, Nellie - mother of Bare-ass Bill [PE67]
Pecore, Marshall - real-life Menominee Indian forest official [AB1]
Pendleton, Jig - shantyboatman and fisherman[NC ]
Penley, John - hired hand of Marce Catlett [AC]
Penn, Albert (Ab) - Elton's father [PT13]
Penn, Elton - see The Membership; The Poetry [PE, OJ, WB2, 3, 4, 5, 6, R, F2, 4, 5, WW4, 7, WL, TM1, 2, JC, DL5, HC, PT12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, AB1, 4, HW5, 11, 13]
Penn, Elsie - daughter of Elton and Mary [WB5]
Penn, Jack Beechum - son of Elton and Mary [WB5, R, F4, PT17, 20]
Penn, Martha (Hall) - daughter of Elton and Mary [PT17, 20]
Penn, Mary (née Mountjoy) - see The Membership [PE, OJ, WB3, 5, R, F2, 5, WL, TM1, HC, PT17, 18, 20, HW13]
Pettit, Clara (Beechum) - Jack Beechum's daughter [WB3]
Pettit, Gladston - husband of Clara Beechum, Jack's son-in-law [OJ, WB3]
Pindle, Alfred - dancer at Mrs. FitzGerald's Riverwood nightclub [JC]
Preston, Brother - minister [PE, JC, HC, AC]
Preston, Sister - minister's wife [PE67]
Preston, Mrs. - minister's wife [AC]
Profet, Old Man - townsman [JC]
Proudfoot, Aunt Belle - mother of Lester [WW6]
(Proudfoot), Uncle Fowler [WW6]
(Proudfoot), Uncle George Washington [WW6]
Proudfoot, Lester - cousin of Ptolemy [WW6, 7, DL5]
Proudfoot, Mark Anthony (Old Ant'ny) - grandfather of Ptolemy [WW6]
Proudfoot, Maw - wife of Mark Anthony [WW6]
Proudfoot Miss Minnie Quinch - wife of Ptolemy, teacher at Goforth School for the neighborhoods of Katy's Branch and Cotman Ridge [WW all, JC, DL3, 5, 6, 7, PT12]
(Proudfoot), Uncle O. R. [WW6]
Proudfoot, Ptolemy (1883- ?) - farmer in Cotman Ridge area [WW all, DL3, 5, 6, 7, HC, PT12]
(Proudfoot), Uncle Will [WW6]
Punkin - slave who helped Maxie Dawe with her dead son [PT2]
Ester Purlin - Minnie Branch's youngest child by her first marriage [WB2, WL]
R. T. Purlin - Minnie Branch's youngest son by her first marriage [WB2, WL]
Quail, Iona - see Crow, Iona
Quail, Uncle Isham and Aunt Frances - parents of Daisy Hample and Thelma Cotman of The Cotman Ridge neighborhood see The Membership [F2, JC, PT20]
Quinch, Miller - hog-killer for Carter Keith [JC, DL2]
Quinch, Miss Minnie - see Proudfoot, Miss Minnie Quinch
Rawl, Scoop - owner of ice cream parlor in Lexington [WL]
Riggins, Charlotte - wife of J. Robert La Vere [PT4, 14, 19, HW6]
Riggins, Dingus - jack-of-all-trades [HW4]
Riggins, Loony - jailer in Hargave [JC]
Roberts, Roger (Woger Woberts) - townsman with speech impediment [JC, HW6]
Roe, Miss Hilda - secretary in the Catlett law office 1970s [F4]
Rowanberry, Uncle Ab [JC]
Rowanberry, Arthur - see The Membership; The Poetry [ WB5, 6, R, F1, 3, 4, 5, WW7, TM1, JC, DL4, 5, HC, PT10, 12, 13, 17, 18, AB4, HW7, 9, 11]
Rowanberry, Betsy (Coulter) - b. 21 May 1824, married to Will Rowanberry [R]
Rowanberry, Cletus - husband of Milly [AB2]
Rowanberry, Columbus Festus - grandfather of Art and Mart's grandfather, veteran of American Revolutionary War [PT13]
Rowanberry, Early - see The Membership [ WB5, 6, R, F1, 3, DL4, PT13, 18]
Rowanberry, Elias - ancestor (grandfather?) of Arthur and Martin [F5]
Rowanberry, Jink - son of Early, brother of Art and Mart [PT18
Rowanberry, Martin - see The Membership; The Poetry [WB4, 5, F3, 4, 5, WW7, TM1, JC, DL5, HC, AC, PT10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, AB4, HW7, 9]
Rowanberry, Milly (Aunt Mill) - wife of Cletus [AB2]
(Rowanberry) Roy Lee - Art's sister's son [F3]
Rowanberry, Stella - wife of Early, mother of Arthur and Martin [PT13]
Rowanberry, Stob - son of Early, brother of Art and Mart [PT18]
Rowanberry, Sudie (Sowers) - sister of Arthur and Martin, wife of Pascal [PT18]
Rowanberry, Uncle Ive and sister Verna - Confederate Army veteran [JC]
Russet, Ernest - farmer of Sycamore [PT6, 10]
Russet, Naomi - wife of Ernest [PT6, 10]
Rutledge, Jason - real-life Virginia horse breeder, draft horse logger [AB1]
Safely, Bernice - Willard's wife [PT4]
Safely, J. L. - his boys were part of the Dunham barn basketball group [PT13]
Safely, Willard - chauffeur for Miss Charlotte La Vere [PT4, 19]
Sally Ann - neighbor of Dorie and Marce Catlett [PT7]
Samp - son of Aunt Cass and Old Smoke, father of Joe [F1, DL4, AC]
Settle, Maxie - townswoman, wife of Milo? [JC]
Settle, Milo - owner of the garage in Port William [JC, HC, AC, AB1, HW6]
Settle, Oma - longtime girlfriend of Martin Rowanberry [PT13]
Settle, Thelma - student orator [WW1, JC, DL3]
Settlemeyer, Marcus - husband of Little Margaret Feltner [HC]
Settlemeyer, Virgil Feltner (Virgie) - son of Margaret and Marcus [HC]
Sheriff - of the county at Hargrave [F1, DL4]
Shifter, Bob - mechanic on the road to Louisville [WW4]
Shifter, Claude - of Ellville, no kin to Bob [WW4]
Shifter, Peg - member of The Regulators [JC, DL2]
Shoals, Sylvan- Union Army veteran [JC]
Sims, Slope - store owner [HW12]
Simms, Buster - friend of Andrew Catlett [WL]
Simms, Mr. - farmer [HW13]
Skinner, Albert - deceased husband of Lizzie Kate [PE]
Skinner, Lizzie Kate - sister of Gideon Crop's wife's mother [PE]
Smallwood, Julep - townsman [JC]
Smoke - husband of Aunt Cass, Joe Banion's grandfather, former slave [WB4, F1, DL1, 4, AC]
Snazz - see Goodall, Snazz
(Sowers), Birdie - Tommy & Daphne's grandaughter [HW9]
Sowers, Daphne - Tommy's wife [HW9]
Sowers, Pascal - part of the Dunham barn basketball group [PT13, 17, AB4, HW7, 9, 11]
Sowers, Shorty - the banker's son [JC]
Sowers, Sudie (Rowanberry) - wife of Pascal [PT13, 18, AB4, HW9, 11]
Sowers, Tommy - Pascal's son [HW7, 9]
Spanker, Mamie - townswoman in Port William [OJ]
Spellman, Thad - farmer, owner of an abandoned field [WB6, F4]
Spradlin, Hoss - father of Whacker [PE67]
Spradlin, Whacker (Edward) - town drunk, bootlegger [PE67, PE, JC]
Squatley brothers - lived in a run-down house [HW6]
Starns, Doctor - doctor in Port William, 1912 [F1, DL4]
Steadman, Arvinia - grandmother of Hannah Coulter [HC]
Steadman, Callie - mother of Hannah Coulter [HC]
Steadman, Dalton - father of Hannah Coulter [HC]
Stedman, Dr. - a doctor in Hargrave, interested in buying the Beechum place [WB3]
Sterns, Mr. - Hargrave lawyer [HC]
Stout, Les - jack-of-all-trades [HW4]
Stovall, Walter - carpenter, built M. Feltner's barn [PE]
Stranger - a poacher [HW12]
Stump, Old Man Elbert - humorless resident of Sycamore [PT6]
Stump, Yeager - friend of Andrew Catlett [WL]
Stutzman, Leroy - real-life Amish horseman [AB1]
Swain, Luther - farmer [JC]
Sweetswing, Calvin - Reenie Branch's fiance [WB2]
Tacker, Petey - undertaker in Hargrave [DK, JC, AC]
Telleen, Maury - real-life Iowa farmer, editor of Draft Horse Journal [AB1]
Thacker, River Bill - townsman [JC]
Thigpen, Loyd - Burley Coulter's hunting and fishng partner [JC]
Thobe, Tucker - member of The Regulators [JC, DL2]
Thripple, Arch and Ada - neighbors of the Daggets [JC]
Thripple, Wanda and Bernice - daughters of Arch and Ada [JC]
Tickburn, Maze - townsman, drinker, stonemason [AC]
Tickburn, India - wife of Maze [AC]
Tomtit - hog-killer for Carter Keith [JC, DL2]
Trim, Leaf - Jake Branch's full-time hired hand [WB2]
Troyer, Anna, Susan, Caleb - Isaac's wife and two youngest children [R]
Troyer, Isaac - Pennsylvania farmer using traditional methods [R]
Tucker - male slave, shot for singing of freedom [PT1]
Uncle Henry - aged helper in Beechum garden and barn [OJ]
Uncle Peach - see Leonidas Wheeler
Violet - slave of Elizabeth and Mason Catlett [HW12]
Vye, Miss Julia - Wheeler Catlett's secretary 1940s [WL, HC]
Wade, Uncle Mint - old Catlett farmhand [WL]
Wallis, Goebel and Noble - twins in Sycamore [PT6]
Warnick, T. - Jayber's first roommate at The Good Shepherd orphanage [JC]
Watson, Dick - old farmhand for Marce Catlett, husband of Aunt Sarah Jane [WL, AC, PT9, 11, AB4, HW1, 2, 11, 12]
Watson, Etta - first wife of Dick Watson [AC]
Webb, Molly - twice misfortunate girl [HW12]
Wells, Will - hired by Jack as farmhand on Farrier place [OJ]
Wells, Marthy - Will's wife [OJ]
Wheeler, Andrew - father of Dorie (Catlett), James, and Leonidas (Uncle Peach) [WB1, DL8]
Wheeler, Pvt. Avery - Confederate soldier [JC]
Wheeler, James - father of Samuel [HW12]
Wheeler, James - brother of Dorie and Leonidas [WB1]
Wheeler, Leonidas ("Uncle Peach") - youngest brother of Dorie Catlett, carpenter, drunk [WB1, WL, DL8, PT5, 7]
(Wheeler), Aunt Lizzie - sister of Dorie Catlett [WL]
Wheeler, Aunt Maude [WB5]
(Wheeler), Aunt Roxanna - Dorie Catlett's oldest sister [WL]
Wheeler, Samuel - Confederate cavalryman [HW12]
(Wheeler), Cousin Thelma - niece of Dorie Catlett [WL]
Whitlow, Mr. - distant farmer who hires Tom Coulter when he leaves home [NC, PT10]
Whitefoot - a mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) [W]
Whitespade, Brother - superintendent of The Good Shepherd orphanage in central Kentucky near Canefield [JC]
Whodat, Alice - bootlegger [WB6]
Willard, Skeets - customer in blacksmith's shop [F1, DL4]
William - friend of J. D., on vacation from Louisville [NC]
Wingfare, Brother - young minister who presides at Jack Beechum's funeral [OJ, JC]
Wisely, Uncle Lute - old man, former slave in Sycamore [PT6]
Woolfork, Put - lazy farmer, neighbor of the Daggets [WW7, JC, DL2, 5]
Wright, Milt - Hackett Dunham's wife's grandfather [PT13]