Wendell Berry responds to Paul Krugman
23 March 2024
And now, with the candidacy of Mr. Trump looming again upon the horizon, Mr. Krugman returns to the subject of rural America, inspired by a book entitled White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy. In the five years since 2019, rural America has remained pretty much the same. So has Mr. Krugman, and so has his judgment of rural America. I know that to reply to Mr. Krugman’s repetition of his opinion with a repetition of my objection is probably a waste of time. And yet I know that Mr. Krugman, at least on the subject of rural America, speaks for urban America. And I know that those of us who speak for the country (“rural America”) must never give up.
Read all of "Wendell Berry: What New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman Gets Wrong About Rural America" at Barn Raiser.