Book-Length Studies, Collections, and Print Essays
Angyal, Andrew. Wendell Berry. New York: Twayne, 1995.
Baker, Jack R. and Jeffrey Bilbro. Wendell Berry and Higher Education: Cultivating Virtues of Place. Lexington, KY: U P of Kentucky, 2017.
Bilbro, Jeffrey. Virtues of Renewal: Wendell Berry's Sustainable Forms. Lexington, KY: U P of Kentucky, 2020.
Bilbro, Jeffrey. "The Way of Love: Berry's Vision of Work in the Kingdom of God," in Loving God's Wildness: The Christian Roots of Ecological Ethics in American Literature. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2015. 138-178.
Bonzo, J. Matthew and Michael R. Stevens. Wendell Berry and the Cultivation of Life: A Reader's Guide. Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2008.
Collier, Winn. "Holy Ground: Considering a Sacramental Ecclesiology in Berry's Port William," in Rooted and Grounded: Essays on Land and Christian Discipleship. Edited by Ryan D. Harker and Janeen Bertsche Johnson. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2016. 155-163.
Goodrich, Janet. The Unforeseen Self in the Works of Wendell Berry. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 2001.
Klinedinst, Richard J. "Cultivating Right Desire: Wendell Berry's Economic Vision," in Rooted and Grounded: Essays on Land and Christian Discipleship. Edited by Ryan D. Harker and Janeen Bertsche Johnson. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2016. 164-176.
Merchant, Paul, ed. Wendell Berry (American Authors Series). Lewiston, Idaho: Confluence, 1991.
Mitchell, Mark and Nathan Schlueter. The Humane Vision of Wendell Berry. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2011.
Oehlschlaeger, Fritz. The Achievement of Wendell Berry: The Hard History of Love. Lexington: U P of Kentucky, 2011.
Peters, Jason, ed. Wendell Berry: Life and Work. Lexington: U P of Kentucky, 2007.
Shuman, Joel James and L. Roger Owens, eds. Wendell Berry and Religion: Heaven's Earthly Life. Lexington: U P of Kentucky, 2009.
Smith, Kimberly K. Wendell Berry and the Agrarian Tradition: A Common Grace. Lawrence: U P of Kansas, 2003.
Sutterfield, Ragan. Wendell Berry and the Given Life. Cincinnati, OH: Franciscan Media, 2017.
Weibe, Joseph R. The Place of Imagination: Wendell Berry and the Poetics of Community, Affection, and Identity. Waco, TX: Baylor U P, 2017.
Internet Resources
"The Abolition of Troy Chatham" by Jake Meador (Mere Orthodoxy, 3 January 2017)
"Agrarians of the World, Unite!" (Christianity Today, 10 June 1992)
"A Jeremiah for Everyone" by John J. Miller (National Review, 28 July 2012)
"A Kinship of the Fields: Farming in the Poetry of R. S. Thomas and Wendell Berry" (Jeffery Triggs)
"A Visible Mark Upon the Earth: Why Wendell Berry" by Tony Klemmer (Aspen Institute, 18 May 2020)
"A Way of Life Being Lost" by Ruth Conniff (The Progressive, 11 July 2022)
"At 70, Wendell Berry remains a champion of agrarian ideals" by Mark Engler (Grist Magazine)
"Berry on IP" by Dennis Crouch (Patently-O, 29 March 2017)
"Berry, hooks, and the Courage to Live Small" by Rusty Woods (Fathom, 27 January 2020)
"Butz’s Law of Economics" by Noah Wurtz (Agrarian Trust, 23 January 2023)
Compendium of Wendell Berry posts at the blog "Pax on Both Houses"
"Ecology of Mind" (a 1979 paper by Jon Towne)
"The Educational Philosophy of Wendell Berry" by Paul Theobald and Dale T. Snauwaert (ERIC, pdf)
"Eternal Beings Living in Time: On Wendell Berry's Jayber Crow" by John Pattison
"Faith, Fiction, and Christian Nationalism" by Russell Moore (Plough, 24 June 2022)
"Farm as Form: Wendell Berry's Sabbaths" (Jeffery Triggs)
"Fictional Communities" by Nancy M. Tischler (World Magazine)
"Fidelity" - an overview from a medical perspective
"From a Lookout in the Woods" by Jonah Lynch (L'Osservatore Romano, 30 April 2021)
Front Porch Republic articles on Wendell Berry
Glynn Young blog posts on Wendell Berry at Faith, Fiction, Friends
"Good Riddance to the Robert E. Lee Statue" by Russell Moore (Christianity Today, 9 September 2021)
"Good Work: Learning about Ministry from Wendell Berry" by Kyle Childress (Christian Century)
"Hannah Coulter, the Green Lady, and Me" by Emily G. Wenneborg (Plough, 11 April 2023)
"The Hole in the Side of the Cow" by Kenneth Asher (Walking with Wendell, 7 July 2019)
"Imagining a Different Way to Live" by Ragan Sutterfield (Christianity Today, 2006)
"The Irony of a Wendell Berry NFT" by Andrew Figueiredo (Front Porch Republic, 11 February 2022)
Ken Kesey on Wendell Berry (The Last Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog, 1971)
"Know Thyself: Community, Mind, & Place" by Sam Phelps (The Dickinsonian, 5 April 2018)
"Labours of Love" by Jeffrey Bilbro (Comment Magazine, 20 May 2021)
"Leveling the Field for Family Farms" by Jodi Cash (Bitter Southerner)
"Light in Darkness: Wendell Berry" by Jim Powell (Threepenny Review, Fall, 2011)
Living by Words: Berry and others on PBS: KET
"Living on Earth Profile Series #8: Wendell Berry" (NPR, 6.16.95)
"Loving Care" by Brennan Dignan (Human Restoration Project, 23 January 2020)
"Lyrical Plea to Preserve Fabric of Small Farms" (New York Times, 2.27.88)
"Media-Friendly Sins of Other People" by Jeffrey Bilbro (Plough, 10 November 2022)
"Megan Kimble on Wendell Berry and Why I'm Not Going to Buy a Smartphone" (Essay Daily, 2.25.13)
"More Real than Real: The Weird Localism of Ralph Eugene Meatyard and Wendell Berry" by Bryan Wallis, Australasian Journal of Ecocriticism and Cultural Ecology (AJE), Vol 2 (2012)
"Moving the Dark to Wholeness: The Elegies of Wendell Berry" (Jeffery Triggs)
"On the Road with Wendell Berry" by Jon M. Sweeney (America Magazine, 18 October 2019)
"One World, One People: Ruminating on Wendell Berry" by Odin Halvorson (Medium, 25 July 2018)
"Outdoors: A Farmer's Food for Thought" on What Are People For? by Nelson Bryant at New York Times
"Patiently Learning to Belong" by Jeffrey Bilbro (The University Bookman, 4 February 2018)
"Place Isn't Just Geographical" by Jeffrey Bilbro (Front Porch Republic, May 30, 2013)
"Practicing Authentic Conversation" by Jeffrey Bilbro (Front Porch Republic, 4 October 2022)
"Reading Wendell Berry in the National Parks" (National Parks Traveler, 31 July 2016)
"Remembering Revisited" by Joseph Wiebe (Front Porch Republic, 4 November 2022)
"Responsible Writers" by Jon M. Sweeney. (America Magazine, June 22-29, 2015)
"Riding with Wendell" by Lenny Wells at Thoughts from the Orchard (9 June 2022)
"Sexuality Studies for Foodies" by Gabriel Rosenberg (The Paw of Reason, 12 March 2021)
"Standing by Words: Wendell Berry's 'Interesting Prose Side'" (Jeffery Triggs)
"Stop Talking about Wendell Berry on Twitter" by Matt Stewart (Front Porch Republic. 14 May 2018)
"Three Ways Christians Can Learn from Wendell Berry" by Joel Pinckney (ERLC, 17 July 2015)
“The Ultimate Protestant: Wendell Berry, Same-Sex Marriage, and the New State Religion” by Jerry Salyer (The Catholic World Report, 19 August 2014)
"We Approach Our World Like a Machine" by John Pattison (Strong Towns, 16 June 2020)
"Wendell Berry Against Your GPS" by Marc Barnes (Medium, 25 July 2017)
"Wendell Berry and Forgiveness" by John Byron Kuhner (New Polity, 4 October 2024)
"Wendell Berry and The Great Economy" by John Médaille (Front Porch Republic, 5 August 2010)
"Wendell Berry and the Revitalized Pastor" by Paul House (The Gospel Coalition, 11 August 2016)
"Wendell Berry and Zoom" by Jeffrey Bilbro (Front Porch Republic, 5 May 2020)
"Wendell Berry at 90" by Jonathon Van Maren (The European Conservative, 25 September 2024)
"Wendell Berry in California" by Matthew D. Stewart (BOOM California, 31 August 2017)
"Wendell Berry in modern times" by Geoff Wells
"Wendell Berry Loves Your Nowhere Place" by David Kern (Christ & Pop Culture, 2 August 2016)
"Wendell Berry Opts Out Of The ‘Culture Of Violence’" by Jeffrey Bilbro (Front Porch Republic, 6 April 2015)
Wendell Berry: People, Land and Fidelity (M. A. Grubbs)
"Wendell Berry Puts Us All on Blast" by Austin Bailey (Heifer International, 2 October 2018)
"Wendell Berry: The Mad Farmer and Wilderness" by David E. Gamble (Kentucky Review, Summer 1988) pdf
"Wendell Berry Wants to Shoot a Drone" by Josh Retterer (Mockingbird, 29 October 2020)
"Wendell Berry's Genealogy of Place" by John-Paul Heil (Genealogies of Modernity, 28 May 2021)
"Wendell Berry's High Horse" by Verlyn Klinkenborg (New York Review of Books, 8 October 2020)
"Wendell Berry's Pipe Dreams" (Terrierman's Daily Dose, 21 July 2009)
"Wendell Berry's 'Risk': In the Middle in Gay Marriage?" by Jacob Shatzer (Themelios, August 2017)
"Wendell Berry's Wild Spirit" by Erik Reece (Garden & Gun, August/September 2011)
"Wendell Berry's Wisdom" by Michael Pollan (The Nation 9.2.09)
"Wendell Berry's Wisdom in a Time of Pandemic" by Gracy Olmstead (Breaking Ground, 4 June 2020)
"What Wendell Berry Gets Wrong" by Rod Dreher (The American Conservative, 28 December 2016)
"What Wendell Berry Taught Me" by Nick Offerman (Outside, 6 March 2023)
"Wheeler Catlett: Law and Community" by James Decker (Front Porch Republic, 1 January 2024)
"Why I hate Wendell Berry" by Allen T. Stanton (Faith & Leadership, 23 January 2018)
"The Woman Beside Wendell Berry" by Robert Jensen (Yes! Magazine, Winter 2017)
links checked 18 June 2024