Wendell Berry and Tim DeChristopher converse In Orion Magazine
12 March 2020
In the summer of 2019, the climate activist Tim DeChristopher sat down with Wendell Berry. Berry is a poet and activist, author of over forty books, a recipient of the National Humanities Medal, a 2013 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a celebrated advocate for localism, ecological health, and small-scale farming. DeChristopher, as Bidder 70, disrupted a Bureau of Land Management oil and gas auction in 2008 by outbidding oil companies for parcels around Arches and Canyonlands National Parks in Utah. Imprisoned for twenty-one months for his actions, he has used his platform to spread the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for bold, confrontational action to create a just and healthy world.
TD: OK, now we’re recording.
WB: Have we got a limit on this thing?
TD: Eventually.
WB: You mean it’ll wear out eventually?
TD: It’s a big limit.
See "To Live and Love with a Dying World" in Orion Magazine.